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Hi! My name is Stacey and I’m the founder of StacePlores. To begin with, I am a travel & tourism specialist and certified travel agent. In addition, I started this blog while studying to be an specialist in 2020 and discovered that this is my passion. Also, I realized that I wanted to do something different and wanted to try new things; that makes me happy and that could be useful to others, that's why I created StacePlores. Get in touch with me to help you plan your dream trip and/or adventure. I can help you to find reasonable prices to visit your dream destination & make your dream a reality!

Tips to Plan Your Trip

 Tips to Plan Your Trip

1. Figure out your travel busget and how much you want to spend. 

2. Decide your destinations and why you want to visit it.

3. Do some research about your destination.

4. Choose a reference point. I mean a location that\’s easy to get transportations, basic utilities, etc…

5. Prepare your Itinerary.

6. Book the flights, make the hotel reservation, book your transportation (if needed).

7. Get travel insurance. The basic purpose of a standard travel insurance policy (with trip cancellation coverage) is to reimburse travelers for their insured pre-paid and non-refundable trip costs if they have to cancel their trip due to a covered reason. … Accidental injury, sickness, or death of you, a traveling companion or a family member.

8. Minimize travel risks. For example, check the weather, how much it cost food, check if your credit card is international, etc…

9. Be ready for everything, it means to be realistic. Don\’t expect everything is perfect like pictures.

10. Pack your bags. Just pack what you need according to the season you are flying in. 

Some Links To Help You To Prepare Your Trip:

Travel Planner– Never trust in technology use a phisyc travel planner. 

Travel Planner Journal


Travel Laptop Backpack

Travel Backpack, Flight Approved Carry On

Travel Water Bottle

Electronic Accessories Organizer

Bag Travel Organizer for Accessories

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