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Hi! My name is Stacey and I’m the founder of StacePlores. To begin with, I am a travel & tourism specialist and certified travel agent. In addition, I started this blog while studying to be an specialist in 2020 and discovered that this is my passion. Also, I realized that I wanted to do something different and wanted to try new things; that makes me happy and that could be useful to others, that's why I created StacePlores. Get in touch with me to help you plan your dream trip and/or adventure. I can help you to find reasonable prices to visit your dream destination & make your dream a reality!

Start Your Blog For Free


Start Your Blog for Free/ Tips & More…

Have you ever wonder: Shoul i start a Blog? The answer is: YES, you should. When you start a blog it might look and sound difficult, but the truth is, it depends of what content you want to upload and what are you expecting of creating a Blog. But if you use and have the right tools, it would be more easy, than it looks.

In my personal experience start a blog were hard because i didn\’t research information about blogs and how to get engagement, which web page should i use to start a blog, etc… 

I recommend it you to first do some research, searching for information, whatching videos on YouTube, read other blogs, etc… Have clearly in mind what kind of blog do you want to have, search for inspiration. 

First things to do to open a Blog:

  • Choose a name that describes your blog & your content.
  • Have ideas of future posts.
  • Research (study hard through internet to learn)
  • Create your Blog with the right website (the best that works for you and your content).
  • Research about how to earn money through your Blog.
  • Get inspiration through other blogs.
  • Use the right marketing tools (social medias).
  • Have a clear idea of what you want to do.

When i say use the right tools, i mean that tools that best that workd for you and your content. For example to open a Blog you can use: Blogger.comSquarespace or others. To create content, edit, decorate your post, even for marketing use: CanvaPicMonkey (my favorite ones).

Use Social Medias for Marketing:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • TikTok
  • Pinterest
Stay tune to learn how to earn money through your blog. Subscribe and follow us in our social medias to learn more…
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