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Hi! My name is Stacey and I’m the founder of StacePlores. To begin with, I am a travel & tourism specialist and certified travel agent. In addition, I started this blog while studying to be an specialist in 2020 and discovered that this is my passion. Also, I realized that I wanted to do something different and wanted to try new things; that makes me happy and that could be useful to others, that's why I created StacePlores. Get in touch with me to help you plan your dream trip and/or adventure. I can help you to find reasonable prices to visit your dream destination & make your dream a reality!

What to Have In Mind When Travelling?

I would say that most of the population loves to travel and try new things. But being honest and realistic when it comes from travel, people have high expectations. I’m not saying that it’s bad, intead, is a good thing. But the problem is when we think everything travelling is perfect, it’s not…

Photo by Haley Black on

First of all there’s a lot of reasons why I said that. Most people have social media (to not say everybody), social media are a useful tool to everyone in different ways and aspects, but being honest and realistic not everything in social media is real or honest. About tavelling, people post perfect pictures with a lot of filters (I’m not saying that is wrong to use filters, that’s is not. I love filters because it gives color to our memories), the problem is when the filter change everything about the original picture. I personally love Pinterest, it really inspire me to visit new places and try new things. My point is don’t let social media sell you something is not.

3D Wooden World Map

Be Realistic & Honest With Yourself :

When you are planning your trip or vacations, do a lot of research and read reviews, please. It will really help you to have middle expectations, it means to not have high or low expectations, just in the middle, just what you need to expect. I love to travel but I had o learn that point, I expected so much from somewhere I had never been.

Research & Planning:

Researching is a very important key point to do when you are planning a trip. Researching will help you to know what to really expect. Use Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook to get inspiration and have an idea which places you want to visit. But read reviews of those places and try to find original pictures, or realistic pictures. After you have done your reserach and had read the reviews is time to plan it, enjoy planning your trip it’s really important. If for you is difficult to plan or book your trip, hire someone to do it for you (most travel agents don’t charge to plan your trip), if you need help you can contact me by:

What To Eat?

Are you like me? Indecesived because I can’t never chose where to eat, it’s really hard for me to even know what I’m craving or what I want to eat, lol. In that case, I recommend you to use Instagram to find places to eat. I love food blogs, so find the best blog that you think it can help you to decide or suite you better, or just use your location to find out places you might like to eat from.

Make Memories:

Making memories when travelling is beautiful. Be positive, don’t be negative, enjoy it. Make memories everywhere, try new food, take pictures, buy souvenirs that make you remember that place. If you like to write, write your memories or open a travel blog, create your website or something, try to remember what motivates you to travel and try new things.

Hope yur enjoyed this post… Thank You!

To work together and more, contact me by:

Stacey M.

(Travel & Tourism Specialist)

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