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Hi! My name is Stacey and I’m the founder of StacePlores. To begin with, I am a travel & tourism specialist and certified travel agent. In addition, I started this blog while studying to be an specialist in 2020 and discovered that this is my passion. Also, I realized that I wanted to do something different and wanted to try new things; that makes me happy and that could be useful to others, that's why I created StacePlores. Get in touch with me to help you plan your dream trip and/or adventure. I can help you to find reasonable prices to visit your dream destination & make your dream a reality!

Best Teas To Have & Its Benefits

Hi everybody, hope you are having an amazing day! In this post I will share with you about teas. Do you like tea? Being honest I wasn’t a big fan of tea but lately I’ve been loving them.

Photo by Olga Mironova on

Best Teas To Have:

Photo by lilartsy on

Green TeaGreen tea has been shown to improve blood flow and lower cholesterol. A 2013 review of many studies found green tea helped prevent a range of heart-related issues, from high blood pressure to congestive heart failure. What’s good for the heart is usually good for the brain; your brain needs healthy blood vessels, too.

White TeaWhite tea benefits include preventing tooth decay, promoting healthy skin and hair and increased energy and alertness. Drinking a cup a day can help prevent things like the common cold and eliminate free radicals that can cause an array of ailments from acne to cancer.

Earl Grey Tea– Earl Grey tea contains antioxidants that support heart health and prevent serious cardiovascular disease such as heart attacks and high blood pressure. These antioxidants work to remove plaque buildup in blood vessels and the heart. They also work to prevent oxidative stress that causes cell damage.

Masala Chai Tea- Masala Chai is a blend of an array of spices that carry loads of benefits, so it’s a clear-cut fact that this beverage would be loaded with nutrients and health benefits. … The anti-inflammatory properties in many of the spices help relieve aches and pains.

Assam Tea– Many researchers have proved that consuming Assam tea in the right dosage each day can reduce the risk of heart attack by 50%. The active ingredients in this tea play an important role in reducing the risk of high blood pressure, prevent blood clots and keeps blood vessels relaxed.

I would like to recommend you guys to visit “Umi Tea Sets” they have beautiful tea sets and a huge variety of organic teas. I love everything there is a 10/10 from me and they are so kind. Their travel tea sets are so cute and beautiful, plus their teas are in another level. Thank You Umi Tea Sets!

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